Learner's creations

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ayam Masak Sambal Kicap & Stir Fry Brussels Sprout

A simple dinner at home last night....ayam masak sambal kicap and stir fry brussels sprout.

This recipe was contributed by Purplegirl at Imperial Kitchen. It is absolutely delicious. No doubt that this dish will be a comfort when I miss Malaysian food.

Ayam Masak Sambal Kicap

600g chicken thigh, chopped bite size
1 stalk lemon grass, crushed
5 pieces kaffir lime leaves

Sauce ingredients:
3 tbsp ketchup
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp kicap manis

Ground ingredients:
15 dried chilli, soaked
5 shallots
2 small onions
3 cloves garlic
2 cm ginger

1. Heat oil in a wok. Sauce the ground ingredients and lemon grass until fragrant.
2. Add in the chicken and some water, and cook chicken until tender.
3. Add kaffir lime leaves and sauce seasoning.
4. Cook until the sauce dry out.

This is dish that is very easy to cook, and yet it is a firm favourite of mine cause I LOVE brussels sprout. I know many people who can't really stand it but definitely not me. I first tasted it in Kampar, when we were eating out in a restaurant there with my relatives. I love it since. Brussels sprout is quite expensive in Malaysia, so I don't get to it it often. When I came to UK, I'm surprised to find that it's quite cheap....but it is only available during the winter months. So, I tend to fill up all my cravings for this during the winter! ;)

Stir Fry Brussels Sprout


Brussels sprout, halved
1 carrot, sliced
A small handful of dried shrimps, soaked
Oyster sauce
A dash of white pepper
Garlic infused olive oil*

1. Heat the oil in a wok.
2. Add in the brussels sprout. Add in water and close the lid of the wok to cook the sprouts faster.
3. When the sprouts soften, add in the carrot.
4. Add in the oyster sauce and white pepper.
5. Serve hot.

* Note: I used garlic infused olive oil because I ran out of garlic.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Nutella Muffin

On Valentine's Day, my division at the University organised a cofee morning for Valentine's Day Cake Appeal to raise money for British Heart Foundation (BHF). All staffs were encouraged to make some cookes or cakes for sale, and all proceed will go to BHF Heart Nurses which raises money to fund more specialist heart nurses.

While surfing the net, I noticed a one-off event, Muffin Monday, at IMBB which is hosted by Elena at Experiment.

Then it strikes me that I can make muffin for the coffee morning. But which type of muffin?? Valentine's day.....chocolate......NUTELLA!!! I was in a big craving for Nutella. No thanks to David because he received a jar of Nutella from a friend, and offered it to me. I turned down his offer, but the craving for it was already imprinted in me! So, I went out and bought a jar of Nutella to make this muffin.

I used the basic muffin recipe provided by Elena and added Nutella into it.

Nutella Muffin

2 cups plain flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup milk

1. Preheat oven to 200C.
2. Sift together plain flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add in sugar and mix together.
3. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, vegetable oil and milk.
4. Pour the egg mixture into the flour, and fold the mixtures together.
5. Place muffin liners into the muffin tin. Pour muffin mixture into the muffin cups until half full.
6. Add in a teaspoon of Nutella. Swirl the Nutella into the muffin mixture with a toothpick.
7. Bake for 20mins or until the skewer comes out clean.
8. Cool muffins on a wire rack.

Nutella Black and White Cheesecake

I was not planning to make cheesecake for aDe's birthday. I have actually made a mud cake, but it did not turn out well. It was wobbly when I took it out of the oven. I thought it was not cook properly and increased the time a few times, but it was still like that after being in the oven for nearly 2 hours! (original cooking time is 1hr 15mins).

I really had no confidence to bring the cake to the party. I decided to make another cake, and to avoid further disappointment, a non-bake cheesecake will be a good idea. I did not want to make a typical cheesecake and wanted to try something new.

After searching the internet, I found this recipe at Diana's Desserts, but I made my own crust. Again I made a mistake this time....I overwhipped the cream!! It was too late for me to go and get more, so I had to use the overwhipped cream in the recipe. I was really worried that it will turn out horrible. Thank goodness....other than the texture being not that smooth...and probably not as volumnised, the cake was ok. Everyone loves it, so I will definitely try it again another time!

Nutella Black and White Cheesecake

300g bourbon biscuits
75g butter, melted
250g cream cheese
2 cups whipping cream
3/4 cup Nutella
1/4 cup castor sugar

1. Crush bourbon biscuits and mix with the melted butter. Compressed biscuits into a tart tin.
2. In a bowl, beat cream cheese with sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Warm Nutella in the microwave on HIGH for 5 seconds. Whisk in 1/2 cup cream until smooth.
4. Whip the remaining cream until soft peaks. Divide cream into half, fold half into cream cheese and the other half into the Nutella.
5. Spread a layer of cream cheese on the crust. Top with a layer of Nutella. Repeat with another layer of cream cheese and another layer of Nutella.
6. Refrigerate overnight.

Thai Tang Hoon

This dish was an inspiration from Adrian. We were discussing if there'll be enough food for the potluck dinner, and he suggested this dish. We didn't have a recipe for this, but basically had ideas on how to make it. So, I had a quick browse on the internet for similar dishes, and came up with the following recipe.

This dish turned out pretty good. Everyone likes it....so not too bad for an attempt to mix a few ingredients here and there.

Thai Tang Hoon

200g tang hoon
150g minced pork
1 stalk lemon grass, chopped
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
1 kaffir lime leaves, chopped
A handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
Juice from 1 lemon
2 tsp sesame oil
5 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp fish sauce

1. Soak tang hoon in hot water. Boil a pan of water, and quickly blanch the tang hoon. When it is soft, run it through cold water to stop it from cooking further.
2. In a non-stick pan, dry fry the mince pork. Add in a dash of light soy sauce and white pepper. Leave aside to cool.
3. Just before serving, add the chopped lemon grass, spring onion, lime leaves and minced meat to the tang hoon. Mix well.
4. In a separate bowl, mix together the lemon juice, sesame oil, light soy sauce and fish sauce.
5. Pour the sauce into the tang hoon and stir well to mix....and it's ready to be served.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Braised Mushroom with Broccoli

This is one of my favourite dish that my mom cook for CNY reunion dinner. Now that I thought about it, she rarely cooks this any other time of the year. Since I promised that I will make a vegetable dish for the potluck dinner, this dish came straight into my head.

It is a tradition that all the dishes served during the reunion dinner will have ingredients that are homophones for words that bring good meanings. When my mom cooks this, she will add in dried oyster (hou si) and dried black see moss (fatt choy). "Hou si" means 'Good things' and "Fatt choy" means 'Prosper' in Cantonese.

As dried oyster and dried sea moss is not readily available here in the UK, I had to do without both the ingredients, and uses only mushrooms and broccoli. This dish is dead simple, and I have no doubt that I will be cooking this more often in the future.

Braised Mushroom with Broccoli

10 flower mushrooms
1 head of broccoli, cut florets
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp oyster sauce
Cornflour water
A pinch of sugar

1. Soak the mushrooms in hot water the night before. Just add in enough hot water to cover, as the water will be used for cooking later. Remove stem before cooking.
2. Heat some oil in saucepan until hot and add in the garlic.
3. Add in mushrooms and the reserved water. If necessary, add more water just to cover the mushrooms.
4. Add in oyster sauce. When the water comes to a boil, lower the heat and simmer the mushroom for about an hour.
5. Before serving, microwave the broccoli on HIGH for 3.5 minutes. Arrange florets around the serving plate.
6. Add a pinch of sugar into the mushroom to taste. Then, add in the cornflour water to thicken the sauce.
7. Pour the mushroom in the middle of the serving plate. Serve hot!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Wishing everyone a Happy & Prosperous New Year!!! I hope that the year of Pig will bring with it plenty joy, happiness and success to everyone!

I did not manage to find a Chinese astrology site that I can trust, so I have not manage to read how the Horse will fare in the Year of Pig. Personally, I hope that this year will bring me more luck than the last and provide me a closure to my current problems.

Chinese New Year eve is the time when family members all gather together for a reunion meal. Again, this year I will be spending CNY away from home. I really miss celebrating in Malaysia ..... I miss the home cook food, the festive atmosphere, meeting up with friends, and not to forget, the gambling! Hehehee....

aDe's birthday happens to fall on the 1st day of CNY this year. Hence, the usual suspects all gathered together for the traditional potluck birthday dinner, which also double acted as the CNY reunion dinner. I've contributed 2 dishes (Braised mushroom with broccoli and Thai tang hoon) and the birthday cake (Nutella Black and White Cheesecake). Details of the dishes to follow in other posts.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Chinese New Year Almond Rosettes

This is another cookies that got good reviews two years ago. It has a very nice buttery taste and is not very sweet.

The original recipe (from Connie at Kitchen Capers) called for ground hazelnut, but it is not easily available here in the UK.....hence I substituted it with ground almond.

Almond Rosettes

250g butter
75g caster sugar
55g ground almond
250g plain flour
Chocolate chip for decoration

1. Preheat oven to 180C
2. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Add in the ground almond and beat until well combined.
4. Stir in the flour and mix into a dough.
5. Spoon dough into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle.
6. On a lined baking sheet, pipe cookie into star shapes and place a piece of chocolate chip on top as decoration.
7. Bake in the oven for 17minutes or until browned.
8. Cool on a wire rack.

Chinese New Year Almond Melting Moments

My second CNY bake is Almond Melting Moments. I've made this 2 years ago, and quite love the taste and texture of it. I think that it is a good replacement for kuih bangkit, which I don't really quite like.

For me, this has a very nice almond taste, and is not as flour-ish. Although kuih bangkit is usually melt-in-the-mouth, I don't like the amount of flour that is in one's mouth. This however is much lighter, so much nicer to eat.

I've found this recipe from Jaschin's blog. As I received good feedback from it before, I thought it would be good to make it again.

Almond Melting Moment

230g salted butter, room temperature
(recipe called for 227g unsalted butter and 1/4 tsp salt)
175g plain flour
90g cornflour
35g icing sugar
1 1/2 tsp almond extract

1. Preheat oven to 190C.
2. Sieve flour and cornstarch together.
3. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy.
4. Beat in almond extract.
5. Add in flour mixture, and beat until incorporated.
6. Cover the dough and leave in the fridge for 1 hour, or until firm.
7. With floured hands, roll the dough into small balls and put on a lined tray.
8. Flatten slightly with floured fork and bake for approximately 10mins.
9. Cool on wire rack.