Learner's creations

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mocha Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream

I've got a tub of double cream, which I bought to make something else, but ended up not using it. So I've looked for an easy recipe that uses this....and came across this recipe. It seems easy enough to make and it doesn't need an ice-cream maker, nor having it blended a few times.

I've got the basic recipe from Kitchen, a member at Kitchen Capers, and then followed suggestion to improvise this further with coffee and chocolate chip. As only have half the amount of double cream, I halved the original recipe. The ice-cream has really strong coffee taste, which was good. I love anything with coffee! Although it is very smooth, I find that it's not light enough. I'll try whipping it more next time to see if it makes a difference or not.

Mocha Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - make 1 tub
1 cup double cream
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/3 cup castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp Nescafe
100g chocolate chip
pinch of salt

Whisk creams lightly together with sugar. Add in Nescafe. Add salt and vanilla essence and mix well. Fold in chocolate chip. Pour into a plastic container and freeze until set.

White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

My friend had her birthday last weekend. I promised her that I'll make her a cake, and she requested for a raspberry cheesecake. I searched around the internet, and found that there are not many raspberry cheesecake recipe, especially the non-baked types. So, I thought that this is a good chance for me to try baking a cheesecake and decided on baking this White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake.

The recipe can be found very easily on the internet. I first saw it on All Recipes. I didn't follow the recipe fully, as I used what I have in my kitchen. The cake was really good....! Everyone at the party was full of praises for it. The cake is smooth and rich. So for all cheesecake lovers out there, do give this a try!
When I first baked it, it came out brown and wobbly in the centre. As I've not had experience baking a cheesecake before, I was a bit worried, and I put it back again in the oven. The cake came out cracked and was still wobbly. I decided to leave it and when cooled, I put it back into the fridge. The next day when I checked, it was all firmed up! Hhhmmm.....next time, I'll probably just put it in the fridge to see if it firms up properly.

White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
120g milk chocolate digestive biscuit, crushed
50g butter
1 packet (about 350g) frozen raspberry
2 tsp cornstarch
1/2 cup water
130g white chocolate
1/2 cup single cream
600g cream cheese
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp castor sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Mix crushed biscuits with melted butter. Press the mixture ubti a 9-inch springform pan.
2. In a saucepan, boil raspberries, 2 tbsp sugar, cornstartch and water. Continue boiling until the sauce is thick. Strain through to remove seeds.
3. Preheat oven to 165C.
4. Melt white chocolate and single cream over barely simmering water. Becareful not to burn it.
5. Cream the cheese and sugar until smooth. Beat in one eggs at a time.
6. Add in vanilla extract and melted chocolate mixture.
7. Pour half the batter over the crust. Spoon 4 tbsp (more if you prefer) raspberry sauce over the batter.
8. Pour the remaining cheesecake into the pan. Spoon another 4 tbsp sauce over the top. Swirl the batter to create marbled effect.
9. Bake for 55-60mins, or until filling is set (I couldn't get it to set!).
10. Cool, and then cover and put in the fridge for at least 8 hours.
11. Serve with the raspberry sauce.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Tooth infection

I haven't been blogging for quite a while. I had a very horrible tooth infection. It was so painful, that I can even feel the pain after taking painkillers. The dentist had to give me a temporary filling and antibiotics to reduce the swelling.

The x-ray shown that my wisdom tooth was 'senget' and it was impacting on the tooth in front of it. The x-ray also shown that 2 other wisdom teeth was also 'senget', and only one managed to come out straight. The dentist advised me to have it all extracted!

I'm now waiting for a letter from the hospital to set up an appointment to meet the consultant who'll carry out the surgery. He'll give me further advice on the surgery. I'm dreading this.........

Tom Yam Fried Rice

I was so tired the other day. I wasn't in the mood to cook. Since I've got some rice in the fridge, I decided quickly make some fried rice. This is one of the quickest and most filling dish one can make. Not only that, it is also a very good way to use up any ingredients in the fridge.

Tom Yam Fried Rice
1 1/2 cup left over rice
150g seafood mix
1 carrot, cut into small cubes
4 corn, cut into small cubes
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
1 onions, halved and the thinly sliced
3 seafood sticks, cut into small cubes
2 eggs
1 1/2 tbsp tom yam paste
olive oil
salt to taste

1. Heat oil in a wok. Add in onions and stir fry till fragrant.
2. Add in carrot, corn and celery. Add in a little water and cook until the vegetables are soft.
3. Add in seafood mix and the seafood sticks. Add in a little salt.
4. Add in rice and stir fry for a minute. Add in tom yam paste and mix well.
5. Make a well in the centre. Add a little oil and crack in the eggs. Stir the eggs slightly.
6. Mix the eggs and rice together. Serve hot.

ABC Stew and Stir Fry Cabbage

I was really missing proper home cooked food the other day. I remembered when my grandma used to cook chicken with potato and carrot when I was young....and I suddenly miss it very much. So, I tried my best to recreate this recipe.

I remembered that the dish has carrot and potato, and since my fridge also has tomato, I decided to put it in. When I was cutting the vegetable, I realised that all the ingredients are the same as those used in ABC soup. Hence, I named it ABC stew. I can't really remember the exact taste of my grandma's dish, but this dish itself is rather tasty!

I've also stir fried some cabbage to go with the ABC stew. This is a very simple and quick dish to cook.

ABC Stew
7 chicken wings, separate drumette and wings
2 medium sized potatoes cut into chunks
3 carrots, cut into chunks
1 onion, cut into chunks
6 Chinese mushrooms, soaked and halved (retain the water)
2 tomatoes, quartered

2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
sugar and salt, to taste
olive oil

1. Marinade the chicken wings for at least 2 hours.
2. Stir fry the onions in olive oil until fragrant.
3. Add in the chicken pieces and fry it for a while.
4. Add in potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes. Stir for a few minutes.
5. Add in the mushroom water, and add more water to cover the ingredients.
6. Once boiled, reduce the heat and simmer until the gravy thickens.

Stir Fry Cabbage
1 small handful of dried shrimps, soaked
100g white cabbage, cut bite size
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
olive oil

1. Heat the wok, and fry the garlic in oil until fragrant.
2. Add in dried shrimps, and fry until fragrant.
3. Add in the cabbage and some water, and cook until soft.
4. Add in the oyster sauce.
5. Serve hot.